Masterplan für die Insel Koivusaari , Helsinki – Ideenwettbewerb

Koivusaari liegt im Ost-West Korridor der Metropolregion Helsinki. Dieser Korridor ist die wichtigste Entwicklungsachse der wachsenden Region, da sie verschiedene Subzentren des Großraums Helsinki miteinander verbindet. Die kleine Insel Koivusaari wird zu einem wichtigen Bestandteil der Achse: durch ihre reizvolle geographische Lage und ihre optimale Einbindung in das U-Bahnnetz der Region mit kürzesten Verbindungen ins Zentrum Helsinkis und ins westlich gelegene Espoo.

„The work is interesting from a city structure point of view, and is a very intentional and logical proposition on its own terms. The contestant has wished to keep the form of Koivusaari noticeable in its current size. It has become some sort of a basis for the city structure composed of a grid of streets and small-scale residential housing.
Varying the grid and incorporating the park of the southern tip protected area make for an interesting structure, even though its relationship to the seaside context is artificial.
The figuratively named islands are connected to this basis in Koivusaari. They create a cell-like structure which spreads to the sea as artificial concrete-based office, service, and different resi-dential islands. Their concepts present unorthodox but theoretical views on the possibilities of city structures and on the look of a new residential area. … Lot of the development of this work has been done of its own sake, but despite its theoretical and diagrammatic nature it has many enticing elements, whose possibilities could be further delved into.“ (Jury)